Can be divided into

can be divided into

Different phrases can have very different uses. How can a phrase be used: can be divided into?

Below are some examples of the uses of the phrase “can be divided into”:

  • Chinese characters can be divided into four main categories: pictograms: They represent stylized and symbolic reality.
  • Accommodation in Krakow can be divided into several types depending on the standard, specifics and price.
  • We can divide traditional dishes ritualistic and ritual.
  • We can divide modern Welsh into two periods.
can be divided into
  • Hard drives can be divided into one or more logical drives called partitions.
  • Positions can be divided into dominant / aggressive and submissive / fear categories.
  • Role-playing horror games can be divided into two main groups.
  • Current treatment can be divided into pharmacotherapeutic, psychosocial and care treatment.
  • The psalm can be divided into three parts.

The use of a phrase depends on the situation, context and what we want to say or write.



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